Strike Day 1 Wrap Up

Dear EMU-AAUP Siblings,

Turnout today was amazing—we were present, we were loud, and we were together. While we were showing our collective strength, EMU Administration filed a motion for a temporary restraining order in Washtenaw County Circuit Court in an effort to stop the strike. The brief our attorneys just filed on our behalf to allow us to continue to strike against unfair labor practices and for a fair and equitable contract can be read here. No hearing is currently scheduled. Our attorneys will continue to vehemently fight on our behalf. We made little progress at the bargaining table, but our solidarity will continue to put pressure on Administration to agree to fair contract.

The support from our students has been amazing. The media coverage has been strong. Our community supports us! We’ll continue the fight tomorrow. Stay strong! Your participation on the picket line tomorrow is as important as it was today. The negotiating team will be meeting tomorrow morning with the mediator as we continue to march. We’ll keep you posted.

We will back on the picket line in front of Welch Hall tomorrow starting at 7:45am.

In Solidarity,

EMU-AAUP Negotiating Team

Matt Oches