Tentative Agreement

Your EMU-AAUP negotiating team has reached a tentative agreement with the employer. The Executive Committee and the Bargaining Council have voted to recommend the agreement for ratification. The agreement provides recognition of the vital role of faculty in the life of EMU and protects the many good provisions of the current contract. 

The tentative agreement includes:

  • an $1840 bonus for faculty members, paid in two installments over the 2021-22 academic year.

  • a research/creative activity course release for all departments that already meet or choose to adopt an expectation that faculty members will complete two "major" activities and one "minor" activity every five years.  This framework for a course release is very close to the one recommended by last year's Workload & Equivalency Task Force, which was based on the "COB model" of a 3-course load.

    • Departments/schools can opt for the research leave in any year following the process specified in the agreement.

    • Faculty members who do not initially receive the research/creative activity course release can apply for it in any subsequent year.

  • an increase in healthcare premiums at the same rate as other units. 

  • the formation of a working group on shared governance, and the nonprecedential withdrawal of three grievances on shared governance. 

Matt Oches